In a broad sense, social games can be defined as “online games that adapt your online friendship ties for play purposes, while accommodating your daily routines” – says game researcher Järvinen. hat is the academic world, but what does this mean for us! There are two noteworthy facts related with this definition: First, it clearly describes the distribution via online private networking mechanisms. Second, it points out that the gameplay is embedded in the daily habits of users.
Business Model Generation: A Handbook
Among the many business books I have read in the last five years, the “Business Model Generation (BMG)” by Alexander Osterwalder has definitely the most impact on the way I approach business modeling today. The reason why this handbook simply changed the way I think about business models is simple: “BMG” manages to re-organize a very complex matter in a very simplistic and visual format. The business model canvas is a modular design system which correlates all the essential building blocks that make up a successful business model.