Reason Why
The reason why I established this blog is simple: I love innovation and I deeply believe that constant progress is the key to a successful future. Instead of defending the status quo I am rather looking for the creative challenge to make good things even better. The idea of working in a field of business where ideas are transformed into sustainable business cases and attractive customer brands catches my attention with much enthusiasm.
Me in 140 characters
Tobias stands for entrepreneurial leadership, creative initiative, and the courage to challenge the status quo. On and off stage. As trainer, speaker and entrepreneur.
A little bit more about me
First, I have developed a broad knowledge foundation in marketing and brand management in more than 20 years of work experience. Throughout my career I had the opportunity to build up a marketing division from scratch, to start-up three companies and to introduce my market and future oriented vision of branding and marketing in various occasions. Because I truly believe in the necessity of constant and never ending improvement, the decision to do a MBA in Business Creation and Innovation Strategy was a cornerstone of my professional career and my personal development. In the twenty-first century, the ability to understand business and the discover areas of improvement on a global scale will be highly prized. It is my goal to learn from experienced decision makers from many different fields of business by extending my personal network constantly. Communicating with leading innovators from all over the world via the SHIFTSCHOOL platform represents a unique opportunity to gain unforgettable impressions about how to drive new ideas forward.
Second, my passion for designing new business opportunities grew stronger throughout the years. I think that SHIFTSCHOOL is the ideal hub where different individual ideas can be merged in an even bigger business cases. The mix of highly motivated people, academic input and a creative infrastructure will open new opportunities where ideas can thrive. It is my wish to work with people who are able and willing to question the status quo and who see the great opportunities of our rapidly changing world. My knowledge and background fit me with the state-of-the-art managerial tools that I need to make entrepreneurial decisions on a larger scale. It is my passion to provide valuable input on how to start-up businesses and teach people to gain an entrepreneurial mindset. During the last seven years I have devoted a significant amount of time and energy to this question.
Third, there is an even more important reason to communicate with other experts in this field: Inspiration! I am striving to be inspired by any open-minded person out there. I am convinced that I will not only advance professionally but also personally within a growing network. It will be our task to find likeminded people and future intra- and entrepreneurs to exchange opinions and to make use of the extensive networking-possibilities. I strongly believe that life-long-learning is based on giving and taking. In other words, I look forward to exchange thoughts with you :-).
“There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.
“Ich bin Unternehmer aus Überzeugung, Lehrer aus Zufall und Kreativer von Herzen. Ich lebe und atme das Leben eines Polymaths: Tausendsassa, Meister des Lernens. Ich experimentiere immer mit einer besseren Version von mir selbst. Meine Neugier hat mich an einer geradlinigen Karriere gehindert und mich dazu gezwungen, den langen Weg nach Hause zu gehen. Eine Reise, die mich von der Anthropologie über Bier und Schokolade und Politik bis in die Welt der digitalen Technologie und Innovation geführt hat. Nur um am Ende eine Schule für Menschen zu gründen, die die Dinge zum Besseren verändern wollen. Da der Wind der Transformation unaufhörlich weht, bin ich nun auch der Präsident des ersten Transformative Leadership Clubs - mit dem Ziel, Lernen zu einem Lifestyle zu machen. Am Ende bin ich einfach ein Serendipitist, der Wert und Glück in Dingen findet, nach denen er nicht gesucht hat. ”